Your 1:1 Traffic Exchange

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Subdistrict Andir Bandung Of Indonesia

Subdistrict Andir

Name of Head: Drs.Eddy Marwoto
NIP: 010 228 296
JL. Srigunting Kingdom No.1 Bandung
Tel. 022-6011304

Main Tasks:
Implement part of the authority delegated by the Mayor of Bandung to Head Andir.

  1. Implementation of the activities of government, peace and public order, education, economy and public welfare, public works and environment according to the authority delegated Mayor;
  2. Implementation guidance and pengkorrdinasiaan UPTD Village Government in the work area Andir District;
  3. Implementation of administrative services Andir District.
V contents: Making Andir District as a major area of development services in West Bandung.
M content:
  1. Realizing the performance of District Government Andir who run more effective, efficient, transparent and accountable;
  2. Brought District Andir an orderly, clean, and orderly, based on the awareness and participation of citizens;
  3. Developing a dynamic economy and perpihak District on economic justice and social-cultural environment supported with dignity.

  1. The realization of human resources and administrative sub-district government apparatus in the field of professional technical and managerial;
  2. Realization of excellent service system;
  3. The realization of civil society through the empowerment of groups (formal and informal institutions) and community development;
  4. The achievement of the institution's commitment to the district level and with community agencies in implementing the vision and mission development;?
  1. Realization of apparatus that is understood and mengusai Auth organization;
  2. The realization of the apparatus that has a high professional skills and in performing the task;
  3. Realization of apparatus that is capable of providing excellent service, transparent, open, obey the law, and accountable;
  4. The increasing role of creativity and initiative of community institutions, civil society organizations in development;
  5. Creation of legal awareness of officials and citizens;
  6. Realization of infrastructure facilities and enhancement of government services to the community;
  7. The realization of a consistent development (compatibility between the implementation plan);
  8. The creation of improved coordination, information, and synchronization between the institutions at the district level and between government agencies and the community.
Work Program :
Excellent Service Improvement Program 1. Performance Apparatus 2. Optimizing the Implementation of Prima 3. Peningkataan role in social and civic

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